Ahhhh...I have the house to myself...Patrick is at a meeting tonight, both girls are sleeping and Nel is hanging outside enjoying the weather - so here I am. (also some gentle hazing from my father last night reminded me of my "at least once a week" commitment-one week into it and I'm late with my second post, oh well...)
The girls and I rode down to Springfield last week with mom to see Great Granny and Grandpa B and spend the night with Grandpa and Laurie. It was a whirlwind trip, as they always seem to be, but a fun time. Sometimes the drive can make the girls a little crazy, but thankfully we had happy kiddos the entire trip. We ate cookies, fed the donkeys and chased the cats around. We also broke out the old creek shoes and spent some time throwing rocks.
We also made a side trip down to Branson to get Chaney some new shoes. I was really surprised, but she loved shoe shopping! Pulling pair after pair off the shelves running them over to me and plopping down on the floor to try them on. This of course makes Patrick very nervous.
The week ended with another quick road trip, this time just me to Columbia where I met up with my girlfriends from MU. It was a great end to a hectic week!
Heres a pic of C feeding the donkeys and an "after" picture of her once we finally made it back to the Lou....worn out! (she slept till nearly 11:00 our first morning home!)