Sunday, June 17, 2012

This About Sums it Up...

Just in case you were wondering what life is like at the Werner's these days...we spend about 80% of our time doing this...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Baby Ball in Nose!"

So we are minutes before bedtime last night and I hear K start screaming, "baby ball in nose"...Yep, she had stuck a little bead/ball up her nose. I could barely see it at first; it was way up there. We made considerable progress in the attempted extraction after some strategic blowing, but the stubborn little thing just wouldn't come out! So off to the Urgent Care at 7:30. (Girls are usually in bed by now, in fact C was naked ready for jammies. So now everyone gets dressed, etc...) Oh, did I mention PJW was working so at this point its just me and the girls. (PJW did meet us at the Doctor's office as we were chekcing in.) ANYWAY...all ended well. In fact, it came out as we were waiting for the Doctor. No need for the tweezers-thank goodness! I've heard stories of kids doing this, but it always seemed too funny to actually happen. Leave it to Keaton.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

We Heart Summer!

We have been making the most of the nice weather. Sprinkler, swings, and dance parties in Dad's "man cave" nearly every night. (ha! hows that man cave thing working out for you honey?)

Piggys Tails!

Miss Kait put K's hair in piggy tails today and she LOVES them..and so does mom!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Big Party!

More to come about the big Birthday Party, but a few pictures from a great day to tide you over...stay tuned.

Thanks Aunt Missy!

We rock out bright and early every morning...