Thursday, February 16, 2012

Snowball Fight-Kinda

You Win St. Louis County...You Win...

I both hate - and secretly love - that I can turn right out of our driveway and in under 5 minutes be at Target, TJ Maxx, Bed Bath & Beyond, Marshalls, Home Depot, Lowes, Sams, Wal-mart, Chili's, O'Charley's, Fudruckers, Ruby Tuesdays, Old Navy, Home Goods, Hobby get the point.

It may not be trendy or hip to live in the burbs, but it sure is convenient.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wake-Up Miss K!

We have been blessed by two good sleepers! Here is K after a particularly hard nap this week!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I. Love. Belize.

I kind of glossed over it in my previous post, what can I say, potty training trumps all; but I wanted to share a few pictures from our trip.

I. Love. Belize. A relatively short flight, same time zone, incredible food, totally affordable (once you're there-flights can be a bit pricey)...Belize has earned a place on my favorites list!

Oh, and did I mention we dove with sharks? Yes, I saw sharks, our guide actually chummed the water, and then I jumped in under my own free will. I was pretty proud of myself actually. (ok, they were Nurse Sharks-harmless, but still very "sharky" looking and big; 10 feet or so!)

So a few pictures of the trip...

We took a sunset cruise our last night.

We had our own pier. (Thats Gabe and Matt, ahhhh.)

A shot of the pool/beach at our place.

And I thought this one was kind of looks very scenic and tranquil, but this is Matt chasing after his shoe that he accidentally kicked off walking back down the pier from a dive trip...


Well we are finally getting back into the swing of things. It has been a crazy first few weeks of 2012; a house rehab, a move, a vacation (much needed if not in retrospect poorly timed)...and the most recent item we crossed of the Werner to do list...a potty training program! Yep, we have cut our household diaper purchases by half - Chaney's in her big girl undies now!

Shew, it wasn't half as bad as I thought it was going to be. And as much as I would like to think our potty training success was attributable to excellent parental coaching, the real credit probably lies with Chaney. What can I say-she's a rock star.

Here she is our first morning making the big switch...

Good job Chaney!