Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stay Tuned...

So we made it to 2 of 4 Thanksgivings with the camera...then we left it at Grammys. So stayed tuned for a full recap of the Holiday with some pics of the girls. But to hold you over, Aunt Niki sent this one from Yia-Yia and Poppy's. Yes, that is 5 under 4 you're looking at! Shew, we've been busy!

Monday, November 21, 2011

We Can Relate....

A reflection on the last week...

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Two Weeks" ...

Has everyone seen the movie The Money Pit?

I mentioned in previous posts that we have purchased a new house. (and I mean its "new" to the true Werner fashion the house is about 80 years old...)

Here is a picture of what our Master Bedroom currently looks like. Two weeks...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Decisions, Decisions..

The ever changing blog background and font is a testament to my new-found inability to make decisions...God, please grant my husband patience as we pick out paint and curtain fabric these next few weeks.

Cute Girls!

Ok, I know...everyone thinks they have cute kids - but come one, these are some cute kiddos! (If I do say so myself)

We are getting family pictures taken on Wednesday. In preparation Chaney's been practicing her "picture smile"...needs more practice.

K's closer...but we'll keep working on it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Few Parenting Rites of Passage...

So the Werner House has been a bit under the weather these last two weeks. I'll spare you all the gory details; well maybe all but one...Both girls-yes both- simultaneously threw up in the car on the way to the Doctor last Thursday...enough said.

However, I am happy to report we are all feeling better now and are getting back into the swing of things. In fact, Chaney's been so fun lately; she is talking up a storm. It’s crazy to be able to carry on conversations with her and we are having fun teaching her new phases. She now says "Bon Appetit" when she feeds Nellie, it’s too funny. She also has uttered a couple of phrases that shouldn't be in her vocabulary..."what the hell" the other night in the bathtub - guess mom and dad need to do better.

A couple of pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Keaton loves an accessory. Here she is in her monkey hat and her cardinals sunglasses. (She will wear this all day long)

And Chaney LOVES to vacuum. If I could only get interested in doing the laundry...and possibly by the looks of this picture to clean the kitchen...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Big Dream

So we were sitting on the couch the other night and PJW says, "If we ever win the lottery the first thing I'm going to buy is a Playstation".

Really honey, a Playstation?!

I suggested, "how about dropping everything and taking your wife on an incredible vacation?". And he replied, "well if I bought the Playstation first I could take it with us."

I hope this dream is about the colossal waste of time a Playstation would be and not about how much it cost. Otherwise we should seriously rethink this house we just purchased...