So whats been up with the Werners?
K is eating MUCH BETTER! Yeah! We are down to just two bottles a day, one when she gets up and one before bed. I think we could do away with the morning bottle, but truth be known, I've really been enjoying my cuddle time with her lately and the morning is just Mommy and Keaton. She is a hugger and a kisser - big time. Mommy is really diggin that...Also, if you're familiar with her eating history you wont be surprised to hear for solids she only likes the organic special blend recipes by Tyler Florence. (Although we are off the "liquid gold" formula as our pediatrician called it which has been like a small raise) But hey, I'm thrilled she is finally eating solids! About 8 months behind most kiddos but progressing well now. (we are trying table foods but shes still mushing things up and spitting them out-although I guess she does only have 4 teeth so I should cut the girl some slack)
Chaney is getting to be a real little person. In fact she told her first lie the other day. We were giving K some medicine before bed because she was teething and C wanted some. I explained to her why sissy needed it and she immediately started to complain that her teeth hurt and launched into this elaborate story about how she hit her mouth on the corner of the couch, "ooww", etc...God help us!
A few pictures from the last week or so...
1. K really likes watermelon-poor little thing looks like a wet kitten here doesn't she?
2. K and C sharing some watermelon-yes sharing-at the Flemings new pool.
3. C picking flowers in the Park.
4. C making cookies...we had a bath after...