There were piggy races, one of C's favorites of course, pony rides and a petting was great weather and the tractor ride into the orchard was a big hit with Chaney. Keaton spent most of the trip asleep in Granny's arms, but I'm sure she enjoyed being outside.
I was also thoroughly impressed with Miss Tanner's pony riding skills...I think she may need to join us for the big Ava Celebration next year. (Perfect riding posture!) C also loved the ponies and spent the entire ride making horse sounds. (In fact I had a hard time getting a picture that looks like she was having fun because she was constantly smacking her lips making her very realistic horse noises. We have already vowed to teach Keaton to make more cartoonish animal noises; neigh, oink, etc. Chaney sounds like the guy who takes Steve Martin and John Candy to the train station in Planes Trains and Automobiles...."Train don't run outta Whitchita lessin' you're a hog or a cattle"...does anyone else get that reference?)
Some pictures from the big outing...