Well nearly 24 hours of sleet and freezing rain had the Werners held up at 1718 Simpson for two plus days-and it hasn't been pretty.
We made cookies, colored, laundry basket sledded down the street, played games and watched Sebastian sing "Kiss the Girl" countless times on the ipad. We danced, played Keaton's tushie like a guitar, C had to sit in the naughty chair twice for bonking sissy on the head with toys...oh and we also turned the third floor into "tent city". (which sounds more impressive than it ended up being-my working conditions and materials never really matched up with my vision. This let down lead to PJW pitching the real tent in the dining room-yes the dining room...)
We wore our pj's for nearly two days straight. I made a roast, about 5 lbs of spicy sausage pasta, we had BBQ, pancakes....I'm sure I've gained 10lbs.
Here are some pictures from the quarantine-tomorrow we are busting outta here!
A shot of C's pjs after a grilled cheese, about 6 or 7 cherry tomatoes and smoothie.

Yes, that's Chaney in our laundry basket with Nellie's leash tied to it...she LOVED it!

Dad and Keaton on the couch...

and Chaney and Keaton in the tent-notice the dining room table-and yes, its still there...

Played Keaton's tushie like a guitar? Where's that picture? Hilarious! I hope you got out of the house today. We're certainly not snowed in here, but it's so darn cold we haven't left the house all week. I'm ready to break out, too.