Keaton is sleeping! Who-hoo! She seems to be over her reflux-finally-and she's soooo close to walking. She says "momma", "dada" and just tonight we confirmed she also does "bye-bye" while waving!
Chaney wrapped up Gymnastics last weekend and has transitioned into soccer. She had her first practice last weekend and did surprisingly well. She seems to have no regard for her safety while dribbling the ball down the field with her head up, which pjw says is a big deal-most want to look at their feet. (i think she just hasn't figured out she should be worried about falling-sometimes ignorance is bliss...or mistaken for natural athletic ability)
So all in all everyone is well! In a few weeks we will start planning birthday parties-crazy huh!
A few pictures from the last few days...K in bunny ears at Target...C choosing spinach salad over pizza...and C pushing piggy around in the snow at Paw-paw Jim's....

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