Seriously, what goes on at Yia-Yia and Poppy's house? PJW and I went to Game 7 on Friday night (Go CARDS!) and the girls stayed with Yia-Yia and Poppy. We dropped them off about 5:00 in the evening and picked then up about 9:30 or so Saturday morning. A report from Yia-Yia confirmed they were in bed by 7:00 and slept until 7:00 the next morning; a grand total of awake time with Yia-Yia and Poppy of approxmiately 5 hours. Back home yesterday afternoon both girls had 2 1/2 hour naps and were walking zombies by bedtime at 7:00. And this morning Chaney slept until 8:15 and Keaton wasn't up until 8:40!
I wonder if Yia-Yia and Poppy are just as tired?
Here is a picture from the game. (PJW and I were showing off our Feeding Frenzy shirts if you're wondering why the funny pose)
8:15 and 8:40?? Wow, keep it up, C and K!