Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hellloooo Spring!

Kinda crazy that a few posts ago we were having snowball fights and this entry will have pictures of the girls in shorts and tank-tops! (yes, I know my posts have been a bit few-and-far between lately, but still!)

We have been really enjoying the new yard. However, with all this rain and early sun we need to get our riding lawn mower stat! Patrick is gung-ho about taking care of the yard himself...but I have a landscaper on call just in case. (sorry honey)

A few pictures from the last few days...

My little rebel girls at the park this week...

and one of Chaney's favorite games...backyard "poop hunt" with Dad and the flashlight...


  1. I hope you're talking about Nellie's poop...

  2. A good thing she has on those rubber hip boots for the "poop hunt!" GAJ

  3. Nellie's poop...and we have a family of deer that sleep in our backyard a lot of nights so she gets really excited when she finds that... :)
