So I found out over Thanksgiving more people check in with the blog than I knew, and sadly they have been disappointed at the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks. (I'm not really counting Dad's post of C's favorite song as a legitimate post. It was really just a way of putting the link somewhere with easy access so when C comes up to the computer singing "oh,oh,oh" at the top of her lungs we can respond with the song in a timely manner...)
So a recap...
We had a great Thanksgiving. We did PJW's family on Thanksgiving Day, ending up back at our house late afternoon where we did dinner with Granny and UB. And then it was to bed early as the girls were on their last leg, and on mom and dad's last nerve...(we are talkin' wiped out-C even fell asleep in her car seat on the way home and she NEVER does that!) Friday morning we headed to KC for the Luna Thanksgiving/MU v KU football game. The girls stayed behind this year, allowing mom and dad a fun weekend. MU won, I wasn't pregnant for the first time in two years - a good time was had by all...
AND THEN, Monday, Great Granny B and Grandpa B came up along with "Aunt Missy" and we had another yummy Thanksgiving meal! Shew, it was a lot of eating but spread out over a few days seemed justifiable.
The girls are doing great. I swear C is growing an inch a week! And K is sitting up and almost crawling already! She is scooting everywhere and gets on her little knees and hands and rocks like shes ready to go at any moment. (and I dont want to jinx it-but she actually slept till 5:45 this morning-yes, just over 5 months old and we still aren't consistently sleeping through the night...sigh)
We tried our hardest to take a family picture on Thanksgiving...this very well might be where we started the day off on the wrong foot...